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I am happy to announce a group of suiseki by Mas Nakajima are available for purchase.  The current catalog is available here: Mas Nakajima Suiseki Sale .


This catalog of stones for sale will be updated as items are sold, and additional stones will be added over time. A few suiseki with bases made by others are also included.

Please make note of the following information:

  • Some of the stones for sale are large and heavy, and thus the buyer will need to work with Janet to arrange for someone to pick up the stone (and if necessary, box and ship it to you). 
  • For smaller stones Janet will box and ship them. The shipping costs will be included in the payment due. 
  • Payment is by Paypal “friends and family”.  Janet will ship the suiseki to you after payment is received.
  • It might take some time for her to get it done, depending on circumstances.  But she promises she will be in regular communication!

Even if the perfect stone for you is not in this list, I hope you enjoy viewing them. Thank you for your consideration and enjoy! You can find contact information for Janet here: https://suisekiart.com/janet-roth/

If you have any questions, also feel free to contact me.

